“Young Pragmatist” is an entrepreneurship program co-led by Pragma and Bilim Virüsü (Science Virus) targeting a sustainable future in collaboration with young individuals who possess a drive for innovation and passion for environmental stewardship.

Launched in February 2023, the Young Pragmatist program attracted over 100 university students from across Turkey with concrete business ideas in the following fields:

  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy
  • Preservation of water, air, and natural resources
  • Upcycling
  • Biodiversity
  • Sustainable agriculture
The advisory board members of the program include Akın Öngör- CEO of Selendi Wines, Nafiz Karadere- Chairman of WWF, Turkey and the Board at Doğuş Yayın Group and Tijen Mergen- co-founder of Power of Happiness and Deputy Chair at KAGİDER. Following a rigorous screening process, 20 young pragmatists were selected to participate in the program, which includes:
Training and learning

The Young Pragmatists had the opportunity to attend an extensive series of 12 diverse training sessions covering various subjects.

Case simulations

Participants engaged in five simulations cases with their mentors, gaining insight into different of the entrepreneurship ecosystem and better understanding the challenges they may encounter before developing their own ideas.


Supported by mentors and through webinars with jury members, The Young Pragmatists worked on transforming their ideas into viable business ventures.

The jury evaluation day

The judging panel, featuring Özlü Yalaza- Pragma Founding Partner, Şule Yücebıyık- Bilim Virüsü Founder, Didem Altop- Project House co-founder and managing partner and Ashoka Turkey Co-founder, Ebru Edin- SKD Turkey Chairperson, Fatoş Karahasan-Academician, author and journalist , Sedat Kalem- WWF Conservation Director, convened in Istanbul on November 25, 2023, for the jury evaluation day.

Click the link to experience a brief recap of the Young Pragmatist jury evaluation day.

At the program’s conclusion, the top two performing Young Pragmatists are awarded funding from Pragma to further develop and implement their business ideas.